email: syk@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
OCT Image Processing and Classification:
Classification and layer detection of OCT images
Chang'E-1 Data processing and visualization:
Data processing and visualization from Chang'E-1 exploration
Wavelet analysis and its applications:
Dyadic wavelet construction and dyadic wavelet transforms
Theory and Algorithms of Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform Based on Lifting Scheme
Research on Solving Algebraic Equation Set of Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Wavelet Under Vanishing Moment Constraint
Wavelet Multiresolution Fairing of Curves and Surfaces
Medical Visualization:
Segmentation and Visualization using Chinese Visible Human
Reconstructing and Measuring of 3D Dental Cast
Image-based rendering and Invers rendering:
A Shear-Warp IBR Algorithm Using Layer Representation
Inverse Rendering
Specular Surface Recovery:
Image-based 3D shape recovery of specular surface
Helmholtz Stereo
Updated: December 10, 2011