- Weihan Wang, Zhen Yang, Bin Xu, Juanzi Li and Yankui Sun,ViLTA: Enhancing Vision-Language Pre-training through Textual Augmentation,2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (accepted)
- Luyuan Wang, Yankui Sun. Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network with Wavelet Domain Inputs. IET Image processing, 2022. Published online, 12 March 2022. http://doi.org/10.1049/ipr2.12466
- Ivan Hendy Goenawan,Zhihui Du,Chao Wu,Yankui Sun, et.al.,Dynamics signature based anomaly detection.Software: Practice and Experience.2021. doi: 10.1002/spe.3052.
- Yankui Sun, Haoran Zhang, Xianlin Yao. Automatic Diagnosis of Macular Diseases from OCT Volume Based on its 2-Dimensional Feature Map and Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism. J. Biomed. Opt. 25(9), 096004 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.25.9.096004.
- Wen Liu , Yankui Sun and Qingge Ji. MDAN-UNet: Multi-Scale and Dual Attention Enhanced Nested U-Net Architecture for Segmentation of Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Algorithms. 2020,13, 60; doi:10.3390/a13030060
- Jiaming Qiu, Yankui Sun. Self-supervised iterative refinement learning for macular OCT volumetric data classification,Computers in Biology and Medicine,2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103327
- Zhongyang Sun, Yankui Sun, Automatic detection of retinal regions using fully convolutional networks for diagnosis of abnormal maculae in optical coherence tomography images, J. Biomed. Opt. 24(5), 056003 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.5.056003, online avaiable at http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.24.5.056003.
- Qingge Ji, Jie Huang, Wenjie He,Yankui Sun. Optimized Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Identification of Macular Diseases from Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Algorithms 2019, 12, 51.
- Jiaming Qiu; Yankui Sun; Chao Wu; Zhihui Du; Jianyan Wei. NFD: Towards Real-Time Mining of Short Timescale Gravitational Microlensing Events. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Published 2018 September 14, https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/aada6f
- Qingge Ji, Wenjie He, Jie Huang, Yankui Sun. Efficient Deep learning based automated pathology identification in retinal optical coherence tomography images. Algorithms 2018, 11(6), 88; https://doi.org/10.3390/a11060088
- Te Han,Dongxiang Jiang; Yankui Sun; NanfeiWang; Yizhou Yang. Fault Diagnosis Method for Wind Turbine via Dictionary Learning and Sparse Representation-based Classification. Measurement. 2018, 118: 181-193
- 孙延奎, 苗菁华. 分层分区域管理的实时图像跟踪算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2018,30(4): 611-617
- 苗菁华,孙延奎,定位图像匹配尺度与区域的摄像机位姿实时跟踪算法。中国图象图形学报,2017, 27(7):957-968
- Te Han, Dongxiang Jiang, Xiaochen Zhang, Yankui Sun.Intelligent diagnosis method for rotating machinery using dictionary learning and singular value decomposition. Sensors, 2017, 17(4). DOI:10.3390/s17040689. online avaiable at http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.24.5.056003
- Yankui Sun, Shan Li, Zhongyang Sun. Fully automated macular pathology detection in retina OCT images using sparse coding and dictionary learning. Journal of Biomedical Optics. J. Biomed. Opt. 22(1),016012 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.1.016012.
- Yufan He, Yankui Sun, Min Chen, Yuanjie Zheng, Hui Liu, Cecilia Leon,William Beltran, James C. Gee. Automatic Segmentation of Canine Retinal OCT Using Adaptive Gradient Enhancement and Region Growing. SPIE Medical Imaging 2016,San Diego, CA , United States, 27 February - 3 March 2016 . [EI].
- Yankui Sun, Tian Zhang, Yue Zhao, Yufan He. 3D automatic segmentation method for retinal optical coherence tomography volume data using boundary surface enhancement. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 9(2): 1650008-1-1650008-18,2016. [SCI,EI].
- 赵奇可,孙延奎, 快速定位图像尺度和区域的三维跟踪算法。中国图象图形学报。21(1): 114-121, 2016
- Yankui Sun, Yafeng Dong, Zesheng Tang, Internet-based interactive visualization method of 3D lunar model with texture. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015,74(15): 5449-5462 [SCI,EI]
- Yafeng Dong, Yankui Sun, Zesheng Tang. Interactive visualization of 3D lunar model with texture and labels, using Chang’E-1 data. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2013 , 56(10): 2002–2008 [SCI,EI]
- Yankui Sun, Yafeng Dong, Kaimin Mao, Zesheng Tang, View-dependent Progressive Transmission and Rendering for Lunar Model based on Bicubic Subdivision-surface Wavelet, Advances in Space Research, 53(2014)1848-1857 [SCI,EI]
- Peng Shu, Yankui Sun, Automated Extraction of the Inner Contour of the Anterior Chamber Using Optical Coherence Tomography Images, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2012) 1250030 [SCI,EI]
- Yankui Sun,Chen Ding,Construction and properties of spline dyadic wavelet filters, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 89(2),254-263, 2012 [SCI]
- Yankui Sun,Kaimin Mao,Tian Zhang, Zesheng Tang, A 3D, multi-resolution lunar surface model using bicubic subdivision-surface wavelets, with interactive visualization tools, Computers & Geosciences, 1460-1467, 2011 [SCI,EI]
- Tian Zhang,Yankui Sun,Zesheng Tang,3D Visualization of Solar Wind Ion Data from the Chang'E-1 Exploration, Computers & Geosciences, 37(10),1460-1467,2011 [SCI,EI]
- Yankui Sun,Yong Chen, Hao Feng,Two-dimensional stationary dyadic wavelet transform, decimated dyadic discrete wavelet and the face recognition application,International Journal of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing, 9(3), (2011) 397-416 [SCI,EI]
- Yankui Sun, Ming Lei, Method for Optical Coheren
ce Tomography image classification using local features and Earth Mover's Distance,Journal of Biomedical Optics,14(5),054037, 2009. [SCI,EI]
- Yankui Sun,Lifting Construction of Spline Dyadic Wavelet filters with any Number of Vanishing Moments,International Journal of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing, 7(5), (2009) 693-710 [SCI,EI]
- Sun YK, Xue CK, Kimachi M, et al.Shape Recovery of Specular Surface Using Color Highlight Stripe and Light Source Coding. 4th International Conference on Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques (MIRAGE 2009), MAY 04-06, 2009 INRIA, Rocquencourt, FRANCE. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol.5496,13-22,2009 [EI]
- Xue CK,Sun YK, An Improved Structured Light Inspection of Specular Surfaces Based on Quaternary Coding. 4th International Conference on Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques (MIRAGE 2009), MAY 04-06, 2009 INRIA, Rocquencourt, FRANCE. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol.5496,128-139,2009 [EI]
- Chen Ding ,Yankui Sun,Tiaolin Tian,and Zesheng Tang,A Hybrid Method for Automatic and Highly Precise VHD Background Removal. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, "Medical Imaging and Informatics". Volume 4987,294-303,2008 [EI]
- Fan Bao,Yankui Sun,Tiaolin Tian,and Zesheng Tang,3D Head Reconstruction and Color Visualization of Chinese Visible Human. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, "Medical Imaging and Informatics". Volume 4987,262-269,2008 [EI]
- Tiaolin Tian, Jun Yin, Yankui Sun,and Zesheng Tang,A Simple Enhancement Algorithm for MR Head Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, "Medical Imaging and Informatics". Volume 4987,57-62,2008 [EI]
- Yan-kui SUN, A two-dimensional lifting scheme of integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2004), 497-500 [EI]
- Yankui SUN, Symmetric lifting factorization and matrix representations of biorthogonal wavelet transforms. International Journal of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing , 1(4), 2003, 465-479
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